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Tim Willers, I like the hovering-effect on interactive text-sections, also the background music sounds cool (bit less creepy yet), while the story of the gameplay and its entering-scene looks recommendable. The colours of texts also appearing nice, especially the appearing text do have a unique way, I would prefer it less fast or with optional "skip"-button if someone wants to see the whole text when waiting for reading just bits of it?

"Quarantine" also fits to the current situation, even the fact of being muted (reference of the game's description lines) caught my attention, the second detail being that this game is available on web than as download and being offered for free, also that it's playable on basilisk-browser.

I guess keep on developing more variety could get text-based game getting more popular, especially because of the flash-player getting removed soon, so many apps won't work I guess and still textbased-typed games would be available because of being independent of additional programs.

I'd adore if specific scenes (when clicking of text) could offer slightly additional audio, e.g. if it's just dubbed as squeaking for doors or including footsteps, quiet whispers, etc.