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(1 edit)

Novel mechanic which is unfortunately hampered by a steep difficulty curve, although I can appreciate you've achieved all of this in a weekend! Would've suggested having a couple of levels with literally no hazards just getting used to moving around, then start slowly adding them in. If you were planning to build this for mobile platforms (Which I definitely would, this has a bunch of potential), split the screen down the middle (One control for either side). With that, you could then tap on a side if you want to switch to it, then if currently on a side when tapped make the player jump (e.g. You're on the left side, you tap the right side of the screen and move over there, then tap the right side again and jump over a spike/ravine). Hope that makes sense and look forward to seeing where development goes on this. 

P.s. One way that I'd be interested to see this game go instead of level based (Which once again, I can understand why not achievable in a weekend) would be to have just one level which has plants grow back and sprout into other things if untrimmed for too long.