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Hi grey, I'm a bit late updating you, I'm sorry.
I started adding some VX Ace interiors files! If you are able to, test them out and tell me if everything works ;)

Sorry to see this 8 days later I've been having  some problems at home but  I feel awful. However I have been messing with the VX Ace tile sets and the program cuts them a bit wonky.

The 'Bathroom_01' Fits pretty well except it cuts off the circled sink but It does spit it back out if you scroll down  a little in the page.

The 'Bedroom_Kid_01' cuts the bed in the top right corner in half and cuts the stuff below that as well. It does spit it back out if you scroll down but then it overlaps the other items.

The 'Bathroom_02' fits fine and nothing gets cut off however it leaves these big gaps throughout the tileset. ( As well in 'Living_Room_02')

The 'Bedroom_kid_02' fits fine as well as all the generics and the first living room and I love the vocaloid figure details in the kid bedroom!!

Hope this helps i would try and figure it out myself but Im pretty illerate when it comes to this program but thank you so much for all the cute little details and your christmas update looks EPIC!!

Mmmhh thank you for the info, very informative. I guess the RPG_MAKER splits the file in 2 vertical columns and the things on the border get shifted down. Not the best behaviour I have to say ahahaha I'll try to figure out how to sort all the stuff without wasting too much space