Thanks for the feedback!
The connection between different worlds and the general lore is very flexible - a world builder is allowed to decide for themselves whether a particular entrance should be considered a "story start". It is possible to link to other players' worlds, so there is a potential to create a single interconnected multiverse (in fact that's what I'm encouraging) but that's up to each individual world builder. (The theory was that it would be a kind of game maker where, instead of forcing players to browse through a million unrelated games in a menu, they could just pick a starting point and then wander from one world to the next).
I'll see what I can do about the text skipping (right now it doubles in speed every time you press space, but I can see why that would be annoying to speed-readers.) I'll let Kamani know about your specific comments regarding their world.
All of the comments regarding the world editor are very useful! It is unfortunately not really possible to create a world anonymously, because there's a lasting connection between a world and its creator - or at least, it isn't possible to save it anonymously. I could potentially let people build but then add an extra page for signing up before allowing them to save, but that seems more annoying than helpful. My hope was that people would get excited by seeing what other people had built and that would be enough to push them to sign on, at least if they were the kind of person who enjoyed making things. It seems pretty normal to make people create an account before they are able to add content to an online game, you know? (Though I guess if I just want people to test the world builder...hmm...I'll keep that in mind.)
As far as the interface itself, I'll get working on fixing the problems you addressed right away (probably will be fixed up by the end of the day). I think I see now why so many people have gotten as far as starting a world and then just left. To start adding tiles and objects, you need to add a layer. Things should be more intuitive after that point (I hope)!