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I really like the idea of farming, but I also understand how you wouldn't want it to take up a lot of time and energy.  I've played through the current content, and I like how you have a sort of "set it and forget it" method of making the ores and such.  It allows you to set up for the day, then go off and adventure or gather.  Farming should be the same.

I agree with modernising/automating it.  Perhaps set it up to where crops don't have to be replanted after every harvest?  Spending one day's energy planting is totally fine, it only becomes too much when you have to replant constantly, leading to more energy (and time) spent.  It's also fine to require energy to harvest, but perhaps have different plants take different grow times, so you're not spending a ton of energy harvesting all in one day.   Space it out, basically.

Watering should be automated, as I can't think of any game where it's fun to go around and water each individual crop every single time it's needed.  That may be fine for small starter farms, but it does become tedious after awhile, and I don't think it would fit this game in particular.

While we're on the subject of planting things...are you going to allow players to replant trees?  For materials or decorative purposes, I think it would be nice.  I don't want to chop everything down and have my area end up completely barren of greenery.   If not, perhaps a regrow mechanic?  This request isn't a necessity, just an idea.

All in all, really nice job with things so far!  I love the art style (this game is so vibrant and just gorgeous), the crafting, the characters, just the whole feel of the game.  There are quite a few games on the market that are in the same vein as Portia, but you've managed to make me really excited about dumping hours into this one.  Keep up the good work, you're really making something special here.  :)


We actually have a tree farm that will eventually provide all the wood resources that you need if you pay up., you don't even need to go chop it on your own as someone will do it for you. But trees do regrow and we're probably going to allow players to plant as well.