Just bought and played it solitaire; fun, but I imagine it will be even better with more players! Simple and creative, perfect for quick pick-up games over Discord. I'll update once I run for more people. Love the zine, and the Advent calendar too! (Plus, y'know, Advent for all those XCOM fans out there. I see whatcha did there ;D)
UPDATE: Just ran a two-player game with a friend! It was a lot more dramatic this time around; vengeance was sworn, and fulfilled! It's also the first time we actually cleared an encounter, which was awesome! We only had one survivor, but honestly, that totally scans. We lost three troopers to the final brute, but we managed to whittle him down and survive. Having only one HP really makes the stakes feel high, and the tension when you're rolling for encounters is genuinely exciting. Next goal is gonna be three players so we can hit the max number of X-rays!