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(1 edit)

Hello Jack, 

I have downloaded The Artifact to print and gift to a friend. 

Is there a step by step anywhere to how to print and what exactly is needed to have in the physical world to get going? I am confused by the archive not being the same content as the print friendly etc. 

Please treat me like an idiot who has no idea what he is doing. Thanks.

Hey! The ‘archive’ content is from the first version of the game, before the Kickstarter back in February. Avoid it unless you’re curious!

You should download ARTEFACT (Printer Friendly).zip and print Artefact - Print Friendly.pdf. You could also print the two bonus content pieces in that zip, if you wanted (though neither are required to play!).

From the book, you’ll need the following to play:


  • An hour or two.
  • A quiet place to play, ideally one that can be darkened.
  • A journal, index cards or sheets of paper to write & draw on— or a fresh set of printed sheets from the playkit. (You could print this off if you wanted, but it’s not necessary! It’s in
  • Art materials and writing implements.
  • A way to play the soundtrack, available to download or to stream at THEARTEFACT.NOW.SH
  • A way to track time, if not using the soundtrack.

I hope that helps!