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The graphics, animations and audio of this game were fascinating. In the beginning, it was hard for me to understand the game mechanics, but after understanding it I truly enjoyed playing the game, which is very interesting. I was wondering what would happen  if I got to the Earth and after that I wanted to play again.

But sometimes I forgot about some crash warnings which made the game crash and that was the terrible feeling, so fixing that would be great.

Great game so far!

Hey Lythmass! Glad you enjoyed the game. Really sorry about the bugs. :(

There are 5 endings in the game right now if you manage to reach Earth. Each one takes a specific crew build and/or upgrade path to make it easier to get. Sorry about the confusion early on, we realize now that our game isn't very beginner friendly and we're working on a short tutorial sequence and a UI rework to help fix that.

Thanks for playing!