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Awesome Update! I feel like you re-balanced how the stamina bar works - I felt like I could jump more often, and that felt good! One thing I struggled with was some of the platforming. In some cases I couldn't tell when a platform was about to change direction - maybe a slight pause or something would be nice. Then there was another spot where I think I was supposed to jump left off of a platform to get to another one that was off screen. I always missed it by a smidge - maybe I wasn't supposed to do that? But if I was, it was hard because I couldn't see where I had to go.

Anyway, great progress Kray8Games!

Thanks for the feedback,  You'll be able to jump even more in the next update!
I think I'll add a slight pause when a platform reaches the end of its travel, just before the direction change,
Depending on where exactly you were the answaer to that last point might differ....