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very belatedly, but i'd just like to thank you for your comment! whenever i get a long comment i always want to wait until i can compose a proper response and then most of the time enough time goes by that i forget entirely.

anyway i'm glad you enjoyed the game! (personally i think that the whole like, queer fandom spaces are appropriating gay men's lifestyles, discourse point is incredibly ridiculous & ultimately anybody who enjoys the game is welcome to it. anyway that's a tangent.)

i tried to strike a balance between character interaction and sex, and although i think in retrospect i could've easily added like 30% more dialog sequences for everybody, on the whole i'm glad people are enjoying it. and yeah like, definitely some games have a certain tone with their transformation content that i didn't really want to hit with this, so i'm glad that worked for you too.

anyway thanks for the comment! it's always good to hear from people who played the game