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This was a really fun game to play!! It took me a long time to figure out that X was how I cancelled out of customizing a tower, so that was a lil frustrating initially, but once I learned that things went a lot smoother!

It was very satisfying seeing the targets get destroyed by upgrades, and really cool that different upgrades did different things depending on what slot you placed them in! I also love the overall "retro game cartridge" vibe that the game exudes with the music and art really adding to the effect! Overall I didn't personally feel like I was "crafting" the towers, but I do appreciate the unique spin on the theme ;)

It would've been cool to have slightly less random upgrades as well - it could also be that I'm really bad at these kinds of games, but it did feel like I got pretty unlucky with my rotating orbs and random bursts missing a lot of targets even in early levels (though I still managed to get through them okay!)

I also feel like the sound effect for when a target got through sounded more positive than negative, so I couldn't tell that I was doing badly if I wasn't paying attention! Tho I do appreciate that the waves were pretty small and manageable so I didn't struggle too hard there either.

Amazing work!!!

Thanks for the detailed thoughts. That's very useful feedback for me to think about.  I'm glad you had fun!