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It was fun to play, and as other have said, the colorful scenario is nice. Good job, it is not easy to code a full game (including IAs) in three days, and alone!

As a constructive suggestion, I think it would be nice to tweak a bit the mechanics, for example by introducing a cooldown in the pillow hit and a dangerous (or deadly) limit in the arena (so in this way you would have to think when to use the pillow).


Thank you  :)  I spent 7-8 hour over 3 day, only 2 sessions around 4 hours each. It was a busy thanksgiving weekend for me. I'm Glad I could get something Summitted by the dead line.       Q:   What is IAs ?

Also,  I very much like your suggestion's - I Agree,  A Pillow Hit Cooldown  or Amount of Pillows allowed on screen  is a must  if I Continue this project - :D And yeah tripping hazards kids would have around a room -  Level 2 could be in a living room and the Floor IS Lava  rules apply - lol


I totally support the floor is lava rule xD
I meant AI (Artificial Intelligence---tweaking the enemies behavior, etc.) but I wrote IA, sorry ^^.

(1 edit)

That makes sense - well thank you very much - I want them to act like crazy kids - doing spin moves and dashing and diving in for no apparent reason and stuff like that