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I posted on the kickstarter but thought I'd comment here too. 

I'm super sorry that the kickstarter did not meet goal, but am glad that you are considering relaunching in future.

Have you considered perhaps maybe opening a patreon? I've noticed that some indie games developers have done that.

Anyway I've followed you on kickstarter and have also followed here and will keep an eye on this project as I'd love to see it as a full game someday.

Hello :) 

Thank you for the message :) 

Sorry that it took me a while to reply. I'll respond here rather than on the Kickstarter since it seems a bit easier. 

It's a good suggestion, and we did consider a patreon initially, but my worry is that I just wouldn't have much to show/offer people on a monthly basis. I could try to release one chapter a month, but I think that without all the assets I need, it wouldn't be my best work and I'd feel very conscious putting it out in that state. I'm not sure what else I could offer to make it worth subscribing each month ^^'

Thank you for following us, and I'm glad you enjoyed the game :) 

I hope you enjoy it as much when the full game comes out ^^