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controls seem a bit laggy sometimes, and sometime link's facing direction doesn't match the movement direction / input?

controls are actually reversed in game,,, for me, X is sword, Z is shield?

cool to see combat working! sword attack doesn't feel super reliable though, sometimes it feels like I should be hitting enemies (and visually the sword touches the enemy) but then the enemy takes no damage? this is mostly a problem with the little bouncey blob monsters... so make the damage raycasts more generous? you can make the raycast longer, or use something like circlecast (which is like a thick raycast)

add in some basic sound for various actions and player inputs will make the player controller feel more solid, so maybe it's time to add a bit of that in

implement pits / damage soon, it's hard to test the combat when we can move wherever and enemies don't hurt us

you might need to scope down in other areas to focus on the core combat more

good progress, and art is good!... no more sprite tasks! focus on the other aspects now lol