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I'm not sure if it would look good or not, but for now you could try using text in the game as an idea of placeholder dialogue. Although I'm not sure the best way to display it, since the text by the left side with the draws, calls, etc. might be a bit too small, or scroll by too quick to be readable for some.

And I also agree about it being enjoyable immensely despite how simple it is. It just focuses on the 'strip' part of strip poker, but all those things you list really help it being replayable. The problem as you mentioned in the update, when money gets involved while there is more strategy, the AI is always a bit iffy on it. You can end up in long bouts of minimal progress because the AI is too cautious, and it just drags on and on. Too flip-floppy. Reminds me of Valkyrie's Hentai Strip Poker, or something like that, back in the day. Could never win, the AI is just too cautious and will only ever bet high when they have pretty much ensured wins.