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(1 edit)

Nice sounds and musics even if this first one doesn't work. 

I am really too tired to do a promise for something right now. Like some other guys I am not a musician.

However maybe I can help you to clarify what you want.

Something like that for the gameplay the visual part and the ambiance?:

Alt + F4 to quit the game.

(1 edit)

Ah yeah, I took Crescent down because I remade it into a track for this compilation: I'll edit the main post now, cheers for pointing out.

Just had a play of morning, really nice. Are you randomising the size/shape of the obstacles or is it in a loop? Either way it's really mesmerising.  I think it would be interesting to integrate sound to that. 

I've been working on this lately, sounds are just a sinewave placeholder now but the idea is you'll be able to design an environment and then create and move sounds around in it.

Yes, almost everything is randomised no obstacle is the same. I can give you the full project soon, I am on unity too. The code is really short and simple.