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I love the style here, it reminds me of old PC-98 eroge along with the viewport window and the like. However I want to suggest some QoL issues I found, although I understand you are pushing Ren'Py so some things may not be possible.

- Loading bar for explore. It adds a delay to exploration that I'm not really sure why it's there?

- Nothing events. Rapidly clicking explore over and over and getting nothing, can we add a 'explore until event' button? Accepting the risks of the amount of time to get to the next thing. 

- Fast combat. So being able to skip animations would also be nice.

- Any way to reduce cuts to black? There's quite a few when say, you find treasure. It takes long there, too.

I like this a lot though. Would you be able to mention what sort of content/interests we'll see? 


I understand your concerns and have already addressed some of them in the later versions of the game.

The Explore button gets faster as you play more in the game. The battle sequences are an integral part of the game and are not skippable. Your character gets stronger to a point where you go through them much faster.
I have played the game from the beginning multiple times, and I'll always improve and refine the balance.


Radical, thanks for listening to my ramble.