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its me again!

So multiplenquestions.

1: is there going to be a version for the kindle? And if so, when?

2: Is it going to be possible to access the current online easter eggs in the steam version?

3:Will people who have downloaded the demo get their current progress transfered to the steam version, or will we have to do it all over again?

Sorry about the overflow of questions, notice me senpai.


hey! you are noticed :P

1. kindle fire you mean? possibly but no guarantees, and only after the steam version

2. some of them!

3. interesting suggestion, wasnt planning on it. But it would probably take a day to get working if we did do it. do you think its important?


To be honest, I could care less if it restarted me back to the first level. After all, it would let me see the changes made, and i can listen to the awesome songs y'all made. But then again, that's just me. Good luck, and have fun making the game, i love it!

Classy (hard) feels a little bit easir to make an S on it rather than the day shift version, but it's possibly just the cues that the nurse is saying.

bye, and thanks for taking the time to look and answer my questions!

ah, thanks for letting us know,  bye!