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Very interesting idea. Here are my thoughts, bugs, etc.

- No way to quit the game?

- Letting yourself (the cube) fall off the ledge and pushing back towards the ledge makes the cube stick to the wall. Only work on the very top portion of the 1st vertical wall.

Love how gameplay / physics change with your number of lives however, it seems to make the game literally impossible with a low number of lives, which might be the message but it doesn't have a powerful impact as you can simply suicide and restart with 10 easily.

- Just a generic GameMaker icon? come on, make an icon for your game!

Played it on Windows 7

Thank you so much for playing, and taking the time to give feedback on everything!

First of all, quitting the game seems to be a windows only issue that I didn't have the ability to test there, and I haven't found a solution as of yet, so sorry about that. However, I've never heard of the second bug, so thanks for making me aware of that. I did try to fix the impossibleness with the suicide option, but it didn't turn out as smoothly as I'd hoped due to it being a last minute feature. And I'll do better with the icon next time ;D