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I have the highest expectations. This thumbnail image is giving me the most intense whiplash and I'm scared.


This is lovely. I like how it doesn't even attempt to have visuals, though it paints a very nice picture in my mind nonetheless. I get quite a nice character-agency through it; pacing the text and using music really helps to set a tone that simple plain-twine is incapable of doing. For all intents and purposes, in terms of imagery and feeling, you're cheating!

But that's okay. You used Unity! I can't blame that!

From now on, I'll just critique the writing and such.

I adore the concept of "accidental retconning". At first I truly believed that Izanagi and Izanami were simply playing mystery rather than truly solving them, which is why the latter of the two mentioned home rule. So what's the deal with that? It's a bit crazy. I'm interested to see where this goes...

So far, though, I've enjoyed the dynamic between the two main characters and the intrigue present in the story.

I like how all the conflicting retcons are going between the two; Izanami probably thinking of The Cave by SIAMES, thinking Izanagi would get the spear as she got out... All that, now affecting the player!

Someone watched the Mystery Skulls AMVs. This entire thing is one single meta-joke-reference abomination and I love it.

So June's the antagonist! You damnable demon antagonist. I loved this one, but GOSH there were a few bugs which hurted a bit.

Whenever there's dialogue which results in a choice, sometimes you simply cannot read the dialogue properly before the choice pops up over it. When clicking to advance dialogue before a choice, the choice will appear instantly! Maybe shift the dialogue when the choice appears, or vice versa?

Aside from that, though, damned good. I'm impressed with how much music can help, and though I can't exactly play through it again due to time restraints, I'm wondering if there are more endings...

i love that phrase- one single meta joke reference abmoniation. thats what i strive for a lot of my stuff to be! im also glad you got a lot of the references, lol

thank you for the UI suggestion-its one of those things you dont notice if youre a developer on the game. good eye on that front!