Week 3
Salam~ ヾ(^∇^)
I am trying to finish the boss room of first floor this week, but unfortunately it hasn't finished yet. It just needs a couple of things more. Anyway~ here's what I had done this week.
Boss Room
Since the first floor's theme is trap, the boss will also be trap. You are not going to fight a monster or something, you just have to survive the trap.
Healing Fountain
Before entering the boss room, there are two glowing fountain. You can use it to heal your health to full, and some glowing particles will appear when you heal. I wasn't really sure for what colour the fountain should be. I think it can be red, blue, or green. But, red can be mistaken as lava, blue was planned to be used to recover magic, and green looks like poison. In the end, I decided to use red since a healing potion is generally red.
Button UI
Add a button so the player can interact with things.
I use the door from o-lobster and modify it a bit to blend with the walls. It has already come with animation so thanks very much. Also, when you open the door there will be a simple cutscene where you move to the centre of the room and the door closed.
I know it looks like little works have been done, but I will try my best. Ganbatte me! (●≧ω≦)9
With that, see you next week~ LOVE, PEACE, and GAWL! o(`^´*)