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got stuck at one point in the beginning of the game, had to run around in circles and finally decided to  just reset the game altogether and voila! I found what I was missing. haven't made it that far into the game, yet, but I already like it.

based on my experience so far:

✔️ interesting unique game mechanics

✔️ good graphics and animation

✔️ simple & smooth movement and controls

✔️ good sound effects. I'm not a fan of 8-bit music but I'd say the game's music is good.

✔️ good level design (except maybe for the part in the early stage of the game where, if you miss the intended route to be able to progress, you'll find yourself stuck because (1) you're brought too far back for making a wrong turn and (2) too many open paths that loop around so it can be hard to find your way back into the right path again)