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This is a very in-depth review! Firstly, thank you for taking the time, and for all the praise you give.

The idea was to keep all the controls to keyboard input only, but I see where you are coming from in regards to the main menu. Someone else has mentioned this, and we will take it into consideration next time. The game closing itself is something that has also been said a couple of times, and it is something we have all said we will think about on improving for our next project.

More animations and SFX is something we would have liked to have added in the future! There is an idle pose, but I agree - a full animation would have been a nice detail.

Differentiating the levels into separate time zones was something we wanted to do straight away, so we're glad it did not feel repetitive to play. It was our way of introducing variability.

Overall, this is some great feedback! Once again, thank you for taking the time to play and review the game. We're glad you enjoyed it!