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Hello ggsammy,

Tell me more :). Do you mean the tilemap is bugged or are you missing a specific tile (grass, dirt, road, ...) ?

I cannot find a solid grass tile that doesn't have a row of pixel that intersect the tile next to it. They all seem to look correct until I hit the play button (image below). Think it might be the sprites being split 1 pixel off.

If it all looks nice within the editor but not in-game, you may have a rendering issue (maybe your project isn't setup for low resolution). 

Did you setup your project with the pixel perfect camera ? Here is the tutorial : Link.


Thank you, that has fixed it! Looking good now :)

My pleasure :) !

If I purchase this, can I use it in commercial projects? Thanks :)

Hello TheMomoro,

Yes, you can use them for a commercial project.

We'll explicit that through a license level soon :)