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(1 edit) (+2)

Here was my strategy. Go down to the bottom room first and kill pick once black leaves (Wait at the bottom right corner of the room to kill pink). They will then vote blue so you are safe. Then go for either black or orange and use the same strategy used for pink on them. Boom. Also if you want speed run, after killing Orange or Black, you can vent. But just wait for them to leave before you come out of the vent. I hope my tips may help. It may not work everytime, so yeah  

Nice strategy but for speedrunning it wouldnt work. You would want to go straight up once the game starts and kill blue, then go to electric and get orange, go down and kill pink while they are still in admin and black leaves (this will happen if you do it fast enough.) and then finish it off with black.

I like to kill pink first than wait for black and than wait until one of blue or orange is stuck but nice strat

when you first start the game go straight up and kill blue then orange, nobody would know.