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Was a really fun and intriguing game. Don't know if the story was real, but it was really interesting and pretty spooky. The toys in the room and the environment that made up the room was well done! 

Only things I would suggest would be making the spinning wheel parts more obvious. And also to maybe make small sories taht the player can incover if they do certain things with the toys; for example get a snippet of a backstory if you finish the train line and the train goes in a circle. Another snippet could be unlocked by pickig up toys and the kid int he game remembers a certain memeory, etc. Stuff like that would make the last scare that much more spooky and would being everything in a good circle.

Speaking of the scare; the monster itself was done well and the glitchiness of it was really good! The way it looked as well as the way the whole game looked was great; the dark shadows and the light all really complimented each other and looked great. The weird mirror-y effect in the hallway, I thought was great as it did a good job at disorienting the player and making things seem very supernatural.

Overall a great game and a really fun one to play and experience. Good job and good luck on future updates!