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Very polished and fun game. Little nitpick: rotating the world feels counter-intuitive, I would have preferred clockwise rotation when moving the mouse to the right (or at least if the mouse is in the upper half of the screen).

But is there any way to defend against asteroids? Letting them drop in water destroys the planet, trying to swash them with a tree destroys the planet..

Some small bugs I encountered:

  • After losing (maybe also finishing a level) the asteroids remain, that way I got my planet in level 1 destroyed after clicking restart.
  • At one point I lost because of an asteroid but at the same time won when the last tree finished growing. This created a weird state where I could finish a level always with 1 tree still remaining.

Hey thank you for playing and your rewiew! Good point with the rotation thingy! I will take a look at that.

You can destory the asteroids by clicking on them, for now they have 3 lives, but maybe it will be better if one click destroys them immediatly.

And thousand thanks for the bug report, very helpful :D 


Bug should be fixed 🥳