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I loved this. So much. So much more than I was honestly expecting!

There is a lot more to this game than it may first seem, things seem a bit linear at first, but it doesn't take long before the world opens up to you and you have free rein over what you want to do and which direction you want to take the game.

There is a fixed story to follow, to a point, but in between completing the tasks required to propel the main story forward there are numerous fun side-quests to take on, with some neat power-up rewards that make the rest of the game easier to tackle.

Pretty standard adventure RPG fare, you may think, but there's so much lore and world-building to discover as you complete more of the side stories, and there's also so many fun character interactions to be had too, along with nifty puzzles, open-world battling with tonnes of different enemies and a range of weapons and armour to play around with.

The story eventually hits a fork in the road, and from there you can push things in a couple of directions, which adds even more content and replayability to the experience.

Alright, I think you've heard enough from me, time for you to go dive into this game yourselves! =)