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pretty cool! Just a couple of tips: 
1- if the game is pixel art, there shouldn't be non- pixel art sprites, or text. That's why the main menu looks a bit strange;
2- a bit too much bloom;
3- I died and when i respawned the character wouldn't move. This happened after i was hanging on the side of a block, and it disappeared. Maybe when you touch the side of a block it stops your motion, and this doesn't get reactivated when you leave the block if it disappears, and even respawning doesn't reactivate it. Not a hard fix :)

Hi, thank you already for playing our game and for taking the time to give your opinion!
Personally, I did not find the menu disturbing, and for the bloom I will improve that.
I'm gonna look at the bug you told me and try to fix it
(sorry for my English)