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Amazing game! The English translations were a bit off in certain parts (Especially the dialogues with Marko and Apolo), but the story came through just fine. That being said, I'm still missing one ending, so any help would be appreciated. If anyone is stuck, here are the ones I've found so far:

--------------------spoilers, obviously--------------------

"Bye" ending - finish your chores, then repeatedly click on the bed

Knife ending - finish your chores, then find a knife in your kitchen (near the stove)

Poison ending - Talk to Esther's niece (I'm sorry, I forget her name), finish your chores, go back to her, get the key and go to the basement. Talk to The Man, then find a poison vial in the bottom left boxes. Go back to your house and rest.

Alright, got the last one.

Caustic Soda ending - Finish your chores, go to Pedro's store and find some caustic soda (top right shelf). Then go back home.