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(1 edit)

So I'm having a bit of trouble finding out how to make a monster evolve with the item evotype. How exactly does it work? Is it like the evolution stones in pokemon where you use them? Or do you need the monster to hold the item while it levels up? (I tried messing around trying to get both of these methods to work, but failed)

What should I be setting for type, validflags, use_script and use_arg for an evolution item in init_items?

(2 edits)

I think I might've never implemented that and forgotten to remove the constant... but here's what I'd do.

  • Scripts --> Data Mangling --> Item Use Effect, create a new "itemuse_evolve" script. You can use itemuse_healHP as a guideline.
  • If in battle (check if room == rm_battle), the script does nothing and creates a message that you can't evolve a monster mid-battle. (With msh_itemuse_show_party_effects)
  • Otherwise, get the global.active_monster_party[monamp,amp_MONID] and store in a variable "species" - that's the species of the monster we're trying to use the item on.
  • Check all the global.monster_evolution_type / global.monster_evolution_arg belonging to this species, and schedule an evolution if we can find an item evolution that uses this particular item:
foundone = false;
for(var c = 0; c < global.monster_data[species,mond_TOTALEVOLUTIONS]; c++){ 
  if(global.monster_evolution_type[species,c] == evotype_ITEM && global.monster_evolution_arg[ species,c] == my_item){
    ds_queue_enqueue(global.pending_evolutions_queue,[monamp,global.monster_evolution_mon[ species,c]]);
    inventory_lose_item(my_item,1); //Don't forget to consume the item
    foundone = true;
    break;//We don't need to loop through more evolutions
if(!foundone){//Doesn't trigger an evolution for this species
  msh_itemuse_show_party_effects("It wouldn't have any effect.")
  • Now you can define the item in init_items so that it uses the  use_script itemuse_evolution, use_arg NONE, is of type itemtype_CONSUMABLE,  has valid flags itemvalidflag_FIELD, and it should just magically work.
  • Oh, yeah - and you should also store the player's coordinates before changing rooms like when they enter a battle. You can copy the code from cc_battlestart_trainer (the "load_" variables)

Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope this helps.