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(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

For some reason I don't have the right to send a message in the discord channel, so I'll just gonna left this cry from the my heart right here.
Came here to share my feelings about the game, it's truly a masterpiece. I can't describe that gorgeous stunning and shocked fear I've got. I can't compare it with anything I played before. And I'm waiting so much for a full version of a new game, and will pay any price the Author will set.
The graphic here deserves special attention.
So, please, if anyone can share to me the full sizes pictures that stands on the main menu of a both game (without parts of menu interface and naming of the game), you will make me the happiest person in the world.
Please, help me to get this radiance, so I'll be able to worship it like a god.
(P.S. My English is petty weak, I never try to discuss with some other people on English, so please forgive my dumb mistakes anyway.)
Thank again. Love you. 

-Catherine, from the foreign Siberia.


Hi! Really glad you like the game! I have been asked about the full resolution version of that picture a couple of times now . I think I'll have to upload it soon because of the public demand : D I've just been meaning to work on it a little bit more to finalize the picture first. (there are some minor things that bother me in it) 

(3 edits) (+1)

I will wait as long as it takes. It's really worth it.
I'm also will be very glad, if you can share this pictures with the name of the game on it. So I can hang it on the wall like a poster. Just understand than i need it as well. I want my friends to know where this splendor comes from.
The version without the title will be only for my personal admiration. >:3
I hope that you will not be embarrassed by this request.
Waiting for it so patiently also with trepidation.
Thank you.