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The remnants (spades) table shows club values. So do good magic, bad magic, adventurers, and information.

Unit Costs for prisoners and club and spade units are "XX". This looks like a placeholder, perhaps "varies" would be better.

The Manor room says that it causes spaces near it to become hovels, and nearby hovels don't count as lairs. Why not just say a manor takes up 3 tiles? Or is there a typo here.

The Rattery room says "20 rats regardless of size" is this the size of the rattery, or the rats? Rat size is affected by some things, I later see, but it would be useful to say "1 or more" in the unit strength.

The option to imprison enemies should also appear under combat, not just under prisons.

The portals section doesn't refer to where a portal comes from. Presumably a discovery?

Thieves' gallery (and portal camp, too) should maybe be under buildings?