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ahh~ hello~ thanks so much for playing through everyone's routes! i'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed every bit of it! all the boys have a special place in my heart, but i'm glad u like basil! i tend to overlook him sometimes, but he is a great character! he makes me laugh HAHA. also, i've been working on this  in my spare time! the writing is the hard part, but rest assured, this project is my baby so i plan to release it for sure!

thank you very much for your comment~ i really appreciate it! cx


You're most welcome! ^_^ I know how hard it can be to write. I just got a full time job and between doing home DIY, working, and having to care for my disability, it can be hard to work on my own baby; but I can't stop playing other people's babies. :3 I am definitely keeping the demo on my PC. If you end up releasing it either buy to play or free, I'm totally tipping you. This is some top quality work you're doing. I especially enjoyed the chemistry learning part. I was a big fan of physics/chemistry in high school and used to "connect" with my now husband (who I was just flirting with then wound up dating in my senior year) in chemistry then physics class, so I got a big kick out of it. Basil and his sister just kind of reminded me of my my sister and I; slightly weird kids with nerdy tendencies who were smart and close to one another and one was super friendly and the other really bratty. I at first got annoyed but then found him just super adorable. He definitely became my favorite of all 3 guys. I just really enjoyed it and hope to do a review of the whole thing someday. It has definitely shot up there as one of my favorite indie games. :) 


hahaa, even when i had all the time in the world, it was still hard to write :''D i am learning to use outlines since they help keep me more organized. thank again so much for your kind words and support! it means a lot! it's definitely going to be free-to-play because i want people to appreciate and love chemistry as much as i do BAHAHA

ohh!! that's so sweet that you and your husband connected through chem/physics! i hope i can get the feeling of butterflies and teen romance right in my writing :''D i'm also glad you can relate to the characters! i put a little of myself in each of them xDD but basil is definitely one of those characters who annoy you at first, but then you'll come to adore cx