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I felt that the demo was very narration-heavy. I'd like more show and less tell (less "novel" and more "visual"), but I understand if art assets and programming are in short supply at this stage. Other than the music, this would have worked as well or better as a prose novel for me; as-is, it's insufficiently adapted to the medium in my opinion. That's definitely something that can be smoothed out during revisions, though, and as I said, being at the demo stage has its limitations.

I also thought that the prose and emotions were too overwrought in some places for my tastes, but that's possibly just personal preference / aesthetic.

Good music, though. Effective.

I'm told that y'all are friends of a friend of a friend, and it looks like the sort of thing some of my friends might like, so I'm going ahead and backing at the Game Suite level. (I'm curious about the drama skits and artbook, and it's a very reasonable price increase over the prior level, especially at Early Bird prices!)

Thank you for your support and feedback!