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Version 0.4.1:
Just gonna brag for a moment,
Body Type Astronomical (343), over 50Ft, 30 Ft member with 13 Ft boys, LV 19, Tank 4, Warrior of Duality 5, Herculean Build 5, Vigor of Endowed 1, Essence Hoarder 1, Berserking 1, Valiant Rush 1.
Current Stats:
Health: 197. Stamina: 48. Strength: 150. Stamina Recovery: 20
Cult is defeated. 0 Corruption.
Now 3rd Cycle.
AND STILL THE PEOPLE DON'T WORSHIP ME AS THE BENEVOLENT TITAN I AM! (Joke, not serious about the worship thing.)

Tips: Use the first cycle to up your level BEFORE getting "Echo". (Cycles are 100 days.) Before the Cycle ends, use the quick travel to go back to impact site.
By second Cycle, around 50 days in, you should be ready to take on the Cult If you're lucky with your combos. (Use Vitality Sigil wisely!)
Gaining "Echo" or Defeating the Cult will move you to the next Cycle.

Battle moves, main 3 attacks and Vitality and Pain sigils. (Use Growth to get that big.)

No real notes for the Developer, just kinda wanted to brag. (though those combo attacks while you're stunned is still in there.)

Looking good~
Also I'll make sure to have the combos while stunned bug fixed for 0.4.2.