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This game is extremely amazing and moving! 5/5 really. 

My favorite route is interestingly Rod's. His type of character is usually not my type and his route doesn't really shed the whole truth, but it's one of those endings where everyone got a happily ever after. And I enjoy seeing Lucette bond with her stepsister greatly, and Rod and Lucette definitely have amazing chemistry!

Karma's route is the one I liked the least (despite his character being interesting), it felt somewhat draggy while the latter routes, Fritz and Waltz are just depressing.

The graphic, audio and everything in this game is topnotch! But, my favorite character in the end is Lucette! Really enjoyed watching her develop throughout the game and in all the routes.


Rod is also my favorite match for the heroine. I totally agree that Lucette and Rod have great chemistry together.

And Lucette is by far my favorite character too.


Yes, she's one the best female characters in otome. <3