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A really well made game. Though it's an indie game, it feels like a proper studio made it and really should not be free. The art style, the music and the story were really terrific and made the game whole and that much more. (Video below if anyone wants to watch!)

The story was well thought through and made, it described everything perfectly and really well. The main character really resonates with the player because of the backstory and the way they talk as well as the whole game takes the player into the environment and situation and makes them feel like they are really there. 

The puzzles that go along with the game were well thought through and felt well intertwined with the story and the game itself. It incentivised exploring and though the puzzles are simple, it makes the player feel satisfied for getting the answer through paying attention or finding it in the area. 

The music was really great and really went with the mood and tone of the game and really helped the player connect with the game itself. And the art style really suited the story and the game with a very Life Is Strange-y type style, which I personally really like. 

It's a really good game and well worth playing! Hope anyone reading this is doing well and taking care!