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Pros and cons are down below) Check out my vid here (likes and subs are highly appreciated, they help out a lot!)):

Revisited the game, so this comment is about the games from 6th to 10th (first comment was about the first 5 games)


1. The games are very unique and intersting. I love how originally the revealing of the story is presented. The 6th and the 7th games impressed me the most out of these 5!

2. I'm trying to pay closer attention to the story and it's very interesting where it is headed at the moment. Can't wait to play more to see more!


1. My game crashed 3 times. Though, it was less of a crash and more of the inability to launch the game. So C.H.A.I.N didn't crash but mini games weren't loading. I don't know what happened because the first 5 games loaded just fine, so I decided to let you know.

2. I think the 8th, 9th and the 10th games lacked some kind of background music. I mean, they weren't completely silent but I guess that the games would benefit a lot from more non-intrusive music. Upon editing, it was especially noticable when comparing the games to the previous 2.

3. The 9th game was a bit hard to control. The concept was nice and the story was told in an original manner but the mechanics were a bit weird. The game is still good, don't get me wrong but it was the first one in chain which would cause troubles completing it (took me 6 tries actually).


I'd rate this part of the game 4/5 stars as it was still very cool but crashed a lot for me and there were some annoying moments. Can't wait to play more! Will definitely write another comment after I do that.

Hope my feedback was useful!