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Daim I am having trouble running it... The virtual machine doesn't like it for some reason. Is the jam version bugged by any chance/should I retry with the other versions? Whats up with the internet connection required the unity console has been screaming at me?

Got so far as to walk thru the house and chase the mice, but I can't buy anything. Don't think my laptop will be back by the time the rating period ends, so sadly I won't be able to rate it with my incomplete experience. At least the stuff I saw was excellently crafted! I couldn't see myself leading a band of youngsters and achieve a comparable result. Cool stuff you do over there!

The first jam submission is indeed buggy, but I don't know if the other versions will work better in a virtual machine. We could eventually compile it for your platform (Linux?). Also, the first version was accidently compiled in dev mode, that could explain the console...

Thank you for your compilments!

Thank you, I will try a post jam version. Could you list me the difference between the versions?

The fixed version appears to work better. Only entering the options makes it crash, sad that there isn't a sensitivity slider

Surviving the waves was tough. These mice keep eating my cheese and I can't keep up. It's sometimes hard to get them from under stuff crouching would be an option. Also placing traps is a little unintuitive.

Solid game, praised be the burger doge!

(1 edit)

To be honest, I don't know exactly what Robin changed - what I know for sure is that the recommended version isn't a debug build anymore. The sensitivity slider is number one priority for future updates :)

We'll work on these problems, and I hope you "interacted" with the doge ;)