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Thanks for the compliment! I am really glad you think it's that good.

I wasn't exactly making a pun. Sorry if I was being a bit cryptic.

What I meant was that there's something about this game that's feels a bit anti-money. I mean there's something weird about making money off of a game that makes a point that money itself is garbage. Does that make sense?

Like for instance, if there was a way people could pay us by literally cleaning up garbage in their communities, that would feel right. Maybe the easiest way to make commercializing this game feel right would be if some (or most) of the money went to a garbage-cleaning charity.

I see, you're trying to be coherent. Well, this level of coherence should be obvious and mandatory for everyone, but it actually sounds completely abnormal lol. Kudos, mate. I hope someday you'll decide to do that charity. Sadly and ungratefully, people will accuse you of "greenwashing", as it's happening right now, coincidentally, in the comments of the most recent news from the game Endzone (they announce from time to time how many trees were planted with money raised from the game sales).

Just one more thing, now that I understood your message: even if not much, your games may also be adding to the the pile of some good subjective experience and even to some good game culture, I'd dare say, and not only to the garbage pile.

Again, thanks for the kind words and feedback.

What I'd like to ask is: How much more content do you think "Everything is Garbage" needs to be released on Steam? At the moment the game probably takes under an hour to play through, which in my mind seems too short. But I'm curious how you see this.

I haven't played Endzone yet, though it looks like a lot of people find the experience frustrating (only 76% of people recommend it on Steam). I have a feeling that the accusations of greenwashing have a lot to do with players disliking the game (and a more enjoyable game wouldn't receive as much negativity)...

But I understand your point about planting trees through game sales feeling like a marketing trick.

The content of a game should be (at least to some degree) proportional to the the price asked for the game. So the answer is: your game does't need more content, but maybe you'll have to ask a cheap price for it (maybe only 5 dollars?). One good example for this is "Arida: backlands awakening"", a game that got some hype here in Brazil: it costs only 5-10 dollars (it started at 10; and here in Brazil it's only 2 dollars, if you'd convert the currency), probably because it has only 1-2 hors of content.

I guess I wasn't clear: I don't think Endzone's studio is playing a market trick at all! People who accuses Endzone of greenwashing are ungrateful, imo. They make me sad lol. Endzone's "green" attitude is really nice, I think.

Sure, maybe these accusations have smtg to do with the not-very-good reception of the game. It may also have smtg to do with the conspirationists waves we're living these days. Conspiracionists often like to target (all kinds of) "philanthropy".

Yeah, it's sad that we might be making games for people who hate trees (or maybe more accurately, people who hate people who love trees). It's sad we're living in a time where trees are a subject of political fighting.

Thanks for the info. Based on your feedback, I think we could add a bit more content and feel happy with a version we put out on Steam. I was speaking to the other game designer on the project, and he says he's pretty keen to release it as a small cheap game. Like I said, we'd add a bit more content, which should put it in the 2 hour range (hopefully), and we'd probably charge $3-$5 (which would be cheaper in Brazil).

btw. My teammate I mentioned is busy working on another small game which is sort of a reverse city-builder thing

(1 edit)

I'd be happy to pay the whole 5$ for your game, but I'm not sure about the general public. I hope you don't meet much resistence and I hope the slice steam will take from your pockets doesn't disencourage you.

I wish you luck! If you don't find success, it's probably ppl stupity's fault and not yours, since your game is great lol

I'm surely going to check your new project. I'll be following your work.