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I have the same issue.

(1 edit)

I can map the walls and objects, but can't set anchors. Then I'm stuck and just have to exit the program.

Hi Kiljoy. You've run into a bug, and i'll be adding a fix for this next week.

What's happening (I think) is that you are setting your anchor down against a wall, and so the console is spawning directly inbetween these two anchor points, but is slightly behind the wall. So the process completes, you dont see a console at all (is hidden in the wall) and cannot continue.

The current 'fix' is basically to just setup with an anchor that isn't directly flush with a wall, but none of this is obvious to a new user so, mega apologies,,, you just hit a wall and couldn't continue!

Fix incoming asap

See the response above. If you cant seem to map an area bigger than a few feet around you, its because you have disabled Tracking instead of disabling the guardian.