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(1 edit) (+1)

My heart is still not done with this game ;_;

I don't mind with open ending but still want to dig more story of RHR, there are too many mysteries I want to find out. Will there be prequel or any extra to reaveal the hidden story? like the Witch, the Maiden, the Magpie, the family of Jay (He is my fav, I do love Wren too, but Jay is just...too special for me)

By the way, I really appreciated that the ending is like the starting point of their adventure, they really deserve to be together UwU , your game is such a gem, it's really like an intro of some supernatural series and I WANT TO SEE MORE.

P.S. The extra arts are so..., thank you for adding them, but you know... you make it harder to say good bye to them ;w;

P.S.2 Robin is definitely the TOP here ( ͡° ͜    ʖ    ͡°)


I’m glad you’re interested in the remaining mysteries of RHR!

It has always been my intention that this game is a sort-of prequel/first half of something larger. I’m not sure when I’ll get to it, but the story does continue on in Gales!