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Thanks! I agree, when the camera angle changes too much, the controls feels weird. For the coins, you should be able to take them by pressing enter (just like the muffins). Does that work?

Ooh, It's still Wine buggy (I have Linux), now I started playing, Enter stopped working altogether. Speaking of the camera, do you program its angle and position depending on the transform of the character, or is the camera calculated automatically (AI)? It moves very interesting.

(2 edits)

I will make a Linux build soon, it will probably work better! For the camera, its goal follows the character and in certain zones, the goal is the average of the player transform and another fixed point in space, which gives a special framing. And it just always lerp to its goal, that's how the transitions are achieved.


Cool. It looks very good. I'll have to try it sometime too. And thanks for Linux build :) 

Linux build is live