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(1 edit)

Very sweet and simple game. I enjoyed it as it was a nice breath of fresh air to play this little gem. You did a great job on the enemy movement.  The art was original and well made. Animations on the walk work well and the portals looked very cool. You did a wonderful job on this game! You should be proud of yourself.

Advice for Future / Feedback for improving this game:
- Make a fullscreen mode.
- Make a HTML/WebGL build to increase the amount of plays
- Sell your game better by making the game page theme colorful and always have a description of what someone is about to play.  Coming up with a better title and use of theme as well would make these types of games do well in our game jams.
- Add more content / longer level. You could try to experiment with items too. Make a door or a path that requires obtaining an item to unlock it.

Thank you for submitting the wonderful game into our game jam! I hope we continue to see you participating in our future game jams! Keep up the great work on your game dev journey so far!
Video Play-through (<-Click)