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Thanks for the feedback! There's some stuff it seems I've taken for granted with the game so far, since I've mostly been the only person who played it before now.

1) The three levels aren't balanced to change from easy to hard. I'm intending to put ten levels together, where the first three are Tutorial Town and then the difficulty escalates. The game comes off as borderline braindead without that context, though, I see that now.

2) The multiple ghosts kind of disappear without warning. They need a visual flicker, like how the [placeholder] bouncing debris flickers when you thwomp an enemy. They also use the same code as the 'regular' ghost to follow your position and movement, so at the moment they do just end up following the same movements and end up clumping together. During the last stage of polish I'll work on trying to keep them separate from one another.  (Maybe even add ghost enemies into the game that aren't connected by tether? Give them Pac-Man ghost AI properties, like ambushing you from the side or trying to target outside the room sometimes.) At the moment it's not a big priority though - I'll likely just give the powerup-induced ghosts a colour tint for the time being and focus on future levels, future enemy AI and so on.

3) Alcohol needs a better text tutorial in the game itself. The whole game could do with a real tutorial, rather than having to read the instructions. Alcohol only increases your drunkness meter on the left of the screen and by proxy, your Likes multiplier. (The "Points" icons also need a do-over, to read "Likes" instead, and adding more social-media imagery into the game.) You can earn a couple seconds back on your timer for every 5 times you hit an enemy. That's not mentioned anywhere, on purpose - it's a secret helping hand.

4) I'll boost the text display duration. When I add that tutorial, I'll also add a page giving a better explanation of each power, even though they're generally self-explanatory. I did the same thing for a mobile project of mine called "Spring Action", whose power-ups absolutely weren't self-explanatory.

5) Thanks for the thumbs up! The game was designed with phones in mind, so if the control is intuitive and not cumbersome, that's a blessing to hear.


No problem, In response to 2) what if the ghosts in the game are not only connected to the player but also have the option/chance to connect to other ghosts. Then all of a sudden it changes the difficulty because you not only have to figure out what the ghosts connected to you will move like, but also the ghosts connected to those ghosts. Would be very interesting. Then again it's just a suggestion! :)