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I like atmosphere-heavy games. This falls into that category:

-the first puzzle with the wall-clearing block does not require any thinking due to the screen being so small and having so few moving options, solved it just by moving towards open spaces
-the second one was more interesting, but did test my patience with the block positioning, the difficulty ramp is possibly too steep here (didn't read the controls until after finishing it though)
-I would allow movement in the minimap view
-sound effects work great
-kept pressing select for minimap - reinforces 5x5 being too small for level 3
-the blue square positioning became too much trial and error rather than logic based due to the uncertainty in what type of positioning is going to be useful leading to loads of rewinding
-tried 3 configs of the blues, but there's too many configs to brute force, gave up

Would sell/buy this for 1 £/$/€