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(1 edit)

Can't attack, Griff makes the sound and gently vibrates, reminds me of behaviour in old games when played on newer computers and the animations speed up and go wacky, cannot attack things because of this.
Figured out that his was happening because the game though I was pressing alt, despite never having pressed alt once the game launched (I did not alt tab), after pressing alt again, this resolved, unsure why alt would do this.

Would also love a way to un-invert the flight controls.

Biggest gripe of the demo is definitely that gliding across gaps feels... not great, because the flight is momentum based (I think) it encourages you to sprint/charge at the gaps before flight, however it's very easy to overshoot and simply run off the edge and die, jumping to early has a similar problem where you simply do not make it, it feels quite janky and such problems are not very common in similar 3D platformers, other than that, really neat demo, enjoyed it, glad things are rolling along.

Interesting bug I found, at the start area if you pull the stone block (which the game doesn't really inform you that you can do, as far as I can tell), rather than pushing it when you reach the wall, you'll pull the block on top of yourself, making it begin to float.

Game also froze and crash first time I highlighted the back button in the settings, but have not re-encountered that.

The resolution and whether the game is windowed or not windowed also seems to randomly shift every time I open the game.

Keep it up! :)

Edited to update info.