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Hey, this is really cool and this is the only way I'm ever going to experience P.T. so thanks a lot, Batandy. It was a great fun to play and spooked me good. However I'm just as interested in knowing what went into it as playing it, I had no idea the Doom engine could do these things. So if you have, or will, write something or make a video or anything about the process involved I would love that. Even if it doesn't go into details, just to get a peek behind the curtains here. Just wanted to let you know there is an interest, at least I would be interested.

★★★★★ effort. ♥

Thank you very much for playing, I might perhaps talk about it in one of my dev streams on Twitch one of these days: (If the content is meaningful, it will be reuploaded as a Youtube video of course)

gzDoom is an enhanced source port of Doom so while it is based on the Doom source code it’s capable of modern rendering and effects. Modern Doom tools include Slade3 which lets you see all the assets and Ultimate Doom Builder, a 3D map maker.