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Thanks! There are also bugs that made two levels harder than intended. I use intended lightly here, since I was just trying to get the rooms done in time, and had no time for balancing.  I didn't even play through the final versions of a couple of levels. The room where you get the Frankenstein mask has a monster that accidentally has its AI set to my initial test state, so it just wanders randomly. Unfortunately, it starts right in front of a single tile hallway, so if you're unlucky it will still be wandering back and forth right there. Also the passage to the room with the wolfman mask has the exit area placed to far down in the hallway, so you start right next to a monster, and if it walks towards you, it will always catch you. I'll fix those today (too late for the Jam Submission however). More tweaking the stealth and AI will happen later, along with hopefully adding in some of the dropped features.